

KAI KAI® 誕生於2020年6月,是以布料獨特性為主軸的新創獨立品牌。

由品牌創辦人Chen Kai Hsieh於2020年6月成立,畢業於英國時尚專業科系的他,從設計服裝給身邊好友開始到發展自已的獨立工作室,開拓他的設計道路!

KAI KAI結合了當代的時尚趨勢與年輕人對時尚的態度,以色彩大膽的印花與緹花布料,創造出具有個人色彩風格的服裝。品牌秉持著“Time To Shine”的理念,深信每塊布料都擁有它自己的一段故事,透過設計與搭配呈現出的獨特性,讓穿戴者展現出最閃耀的時刻。

“Because It’s Your Time To Shine”

KAI KAI® Founded by Chen Kai Hsieh in Taiwan in 2020, the designer graduated from the UK and studied fashion-related courses. With his keen observation ability, he brought the harvest to the surrounding friends through clothing design and later set up his studio to start his design path.

KAI KAI® combines contemporary fashion trends with young people's attitudes towards fashion to create uniqueness in clothing. The concept of uniqueness creates a trendy culture that can resonate with the audience. The brand adheres to the "Time To Shine" concept and firmly believes that each piece of fabric has its own story. The uniqueness presented through design and matching allows the consumer to show the most different styles.

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